Newly published figures have shown a shocking increase in deaths since 2018. 125 people were killed on London’s roads last year, up 112 from 2018.

The data highlights how vulnerable road users are and the importance of drivers vision. People walking, cycling, and motorcycling made up 83% of all people killed or seriously injured last year. The figures overall, do show a decline since 2005, working towards TfL’s Vision Zero plan to eliminate all deaths within their network.

Heidi Alexander, deputy mayor for transport, said: “Tough new regulations like the Direct Vision Standard, alongside measures making it easier for Londoners to walk and cycle around London, will make a huge difference in improving safety and preventing any more devastating incidents on our roads.”

TfL has confirmed that the Direct Vision Standard will be enforced from March 1st, 2021. But fleets are urged to get compliant as soon as possible, as insurance may be rendered invalid should the vehicle be involved in an accident without proper equipment. 

From 26th October 2020, any vehicles of 12 tonnes or above must have a valid HGV safety permit to drive within the Greater London Area. This permit, free on application, is given to vehicles meeting the Direct Vision Standard set by TfL. It has now become a legal requirement and any infringement make drivers liable to a fine of up to £550.   

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, TfL has waived the issuance of penalty notices until March 2021. The Direct Vision Standard remains, however, a legal requirement. Thus, if a non-compliant is involved in an accident after October 26th, insurers may object to paying out damages.

Are you ready to get your vehicles compliant? Speak to us today about Direct Vision Standard or your insurance claim could be void.

ACSS can supply Direct Vision Standard kits starting at £349. 

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