ACSS today launch their long-awaited solution for the protection of vulnerable road users (VRU). As vehicle manufacturers move towards integrating a higher standard of safety equipment in all new vehicles in 2024(Europa 2023), for those looking to update their fleet prior to replacements ACSS has the solution.

HGV’s operating in urban areas represent an inherent risk to pedestrians and cyclists caught in the vehicle blind spots. Blind spots exist all around an HGV but predominantly on the near side of the vehicle and in front of the cab where the drivers view is restricted. Traditional ultrasonic sensor systems can warn of obstacles but for drivers operating is urban areas constant alerts for objects, whether VRUs or street furniture can lead to driver fatigue. Too many alerts may create a numbness to them, rendering the system somewhat ineffective.

ACSS’s AI VRU Detection System will alert a driver of any VRU in their blind spot/danger area. Using the latest technology in artificial intelligence cameras mounted front and near side of the vehicle the system will alert both the driver, and the pedestrian or cyclist of imminent danger, with increasing severity as a collision becomes imminent. The system has been designed specifically to conform to safety standards as laid out in UN Regulation No. 151/ 159 on Blind Spot & Moving Off Information Systems for the detection of pedestrians & cyclists and can fit to any vehicle type.

The power behind the system is housed in an AI processing unit bringing additional functionality to the system. Cloud & local storage, live view functionality, and integration with existing MDVRs and existing camera feeds are all possible. Installation takes around four hours and calibration is carried out through the proprietary app.

With extensive development and road testing under its belt ACSS are proud to offer to it’s customers a robust, and advanced, VRU detection system conforming to strict UNCE standards. Suitable for application in many urban area now mandating strict standards of VRU protection from HGV’s, such as the Progressive Safe System, part of TfL’s Direct Vision Standard for London.