As of the 30th of January 2023, Newcastle has become the first county to introduce a clean air zone in 2023, with more councils such as Sheffield, Cambridge and Liverpool to follow suit throughout the year. The charges for non-compliant vehicles will vary depending on their type. HGVs, Busses, and Coaches will be charged £50 per day for driving in the clean air zone and non-compliant Vans will be charged 12.50 per day, normal cars, on the other hand, will not be charged for driving in the Clean Air Zone which is a win for the everyday commuter.

Newcastle’s Clean Air Zone is a Class C Zone, meaning it only affects Buses, coaches, taxis, PHVs, HGVs, vans, and minibuses. Therefore, the businesses using these types of vehicles that are non-compliant will have two options moving forward, either get new vehicles that are compliant or use Telematics for Route planning and Geofencing to avoid the Clean Air Zone if at all possible.

Taking this into consideration, ACSS has worked tirelessly in optimizing our tracking and telematics software to indicate these zones to fleet managers. Thus, allowing fleet managers to bypass the stresses of having to renew their fleet and increase their expenses or overheads.
