The need for CCTV has never been more prevalent.


Two men armed threatened a now traumatised taxi driver with a machete and stole his cash. The pair, who were travelling along Corporation Street in Swindon stole approximately £40 from the driver before leaving the vehicle and fleeing from the Taxi.

Police are appealing for witnesses and keen to hear from anyone who may be able to assist with the investigation, the appeal goes out to anyone that may have been in the area at the time and may have captured footage on vehicle CCTV / dashcams which could be solid evidence. The driver understandably shaken but fortunately not injured.

CCTV is already fitted in many taxis but is only mandatory under a small number of licensing authorities in the UK – about 3% last year. The DfT said any CCTV systems would have to be encrypted, only allowing footage to be accessed by relevant authorities if a crime were reported.


Taxi drivers at high risk


Taxi and minicab drivers are at high risk, CCTV should be used to deter abuse of drivers and fare evasion, but also to protect passengers too.

AdvancedVision CCTV has the potential to promote the safety and protection of the travelling public.

Local authorities and Taxi operators need to ensure the highest levels of safety and security to protect both drivers and passengers. From anti-social behaviour to false insurance claims, we have developed numerous cost-effective taxi CCTV systems for both taxis and private hire vehicles to reduce the likelihood of these incidents occurring.

Councils and authorities are slowly implementing mandatory taxi CCTV requirements due to the increasing numbers of incidents reported. Southampton, Portsmouth and Rotherham are the first councils to introduce these measures with other councils and authorities expected to follow suit.

ACSS offers a TFL approved system for drivers within London, we pride ourselves on being the taxi drivers CCTV provider of choice – working with Council’s and Private Hire vehicle firms to ensure the safety or drivers & passengers.