Telematics systems are producing more data than ever, the International Data Corporation back in 2014 predicted that by 2020, the world will be generating 44 times more data than we were in 2009.

We can convert this large amount of Telematics data to meaningful information, displayed to you in an intelligent dashboard that is easy to use. With Telematics you will be able to manage your Fleet data and address any anomalies. Below we talk about a short- and long-term results when you implement a Telematics system on your Fleet.

Several businesses have seen the benefits of AdvancedFleet Telematics, we have provided concrete evidence of clear and proven ROI across many types of Fleets. 

Dispatch closest drivers & reduce fuel costs 

Having this insightful data at your fingertips not only means that you will improve your customer-centricity but efficiently manage your workload. Being able to locate the vehicles that are closest to the jobs, reducing company mileage and enhancing customer experience are some of the many benefits you will reap from Telematics data.

Set guidelines for your business

What do you expect to achieve by implementing Telematics? It is important to set achievable targets before you implement a system, what are the metrics you want to quantify? It may be to reduce fuel, improve route optimisation or improve customer retention. You will need to define a clear strategy before you can measure your return on investment.

Analyse data efficiently

AdvancedFleet provides you with detailed, in-depth data. The information will support you when you are measuring against your guidelines, improve performance across your Fleet. 

Identify improvement areas

AdvancedFleet provides pinpoint the location and real-time information on fleet operators and associated costs, allowing Fleet Managers to view data in one place. The real beauty of Telematics and the vast amount of data harvested from the vehicle is that you can take action over issues in advance. 


Installing Telematics will yield data from your Fleet, this makes informed decisions easier as it allows you to see detailed insights and trends occurring with your vehicles. You can look back on historical data to adapt your business and plan on how you will improve metrics in the future.