Project Description

Project Details

ACSS Solution – CCTV

Industry – Taxi

Vehicles – Car and Taxi

CCTV for taxi and private Hire vehicles

Taxi Upgrade ensures PCO compliance

“ my needs which makes me feel safe and secure. Happy customer 😊”

TFL , Taxi Driver



In 2020, Charles had an ACSS CCTV system installed in his Mercedes. Knowing the benefits that CCTV affords both driver and passenger, he was keen to ensure compliance with PCO standards. Having been happy with his previous experience, Charles came back to ACSS for an upgrade, knowing that the advice and pricing would be honest and transparent. ACSS Advanced System was selected: one forward-facing camera, one internal camera and a hard drive video recording (HDVR). The system came with two panic buttons: one for the driver and one for the passenger. The old reversing camera was also used as this was within the compliance standard for PCO. Using our preferred installer Dtec, Charles was confident that the products used, although affordable, were top of the range and he would receive good customer service.

Now, Charles has AES 256 encryption, making him PCO compliant. If Charles was working for a company such as Uber or Bolt and an incident occurred, he knows he will not be blocked and off the road for long. He has evidence which would allow his company to ensure he is back at work within a couple of days.