With more than 31m commercial vehicles on European roads, the opportunities for organised gangs to engage in cargo crime are immense. Since 2007 there has been a 41% increase in the value of stolen cargo.
It is believed that across Europe the average loss per reported incident is €68.3k, the estimated total value of stolen cargo is €11.6bn per annum, and there are between 1,500-2,000 individual recorded incidents each year*
Due to a lack of secure parking options, drivers are being forced to park in vulnerable layby locations, becoming easy targets for cargo thieves. The survey uncovered that 61.7% feel the lack of secure parking locations is the main reason for increases in crime.
Supply chain security is an important priority for any organisation, every business needs to develop its practices for the security of their goods to prevent future losses within their company. With criminals becoming more sophisticated and value of cargo increasing, security standards must be implemented.